In this epoch, the people and more specifically men’s with knowledge, thinkers, have a very important question that was, what is nature made of? And this is the essence of naturalism to explain nature, they characteristics the reality that represents.
This was a revolutionary question, because after that almost everything was explained trough myth, magic and gods. All the people in this time believe in this type of things. So this question was controversial and disturbing for some people because it is trying to explain the reality, so they start making theories and hypothesis about what really is nature made of.
And there comes a theory call the atomic theory proposed by anaximandros. This theory explain us how stuffs work, and what make, for example an apple being an apple, is trying to explain the essence of the apple. This theory says that we and all things are made of tiny and indivisible pieces that put together and form something. This theory comes because of the necessity of human to explain the world, to understand it, to explain the essence of all type of things and exposing the human as other part, other element of the nature. This movement or way to expressing, open doors for humanity to investigate and understand
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