Is the soul a product of body functions?
In the time of Aristotle the human soul was all, was something immaterial, independent of the body and capable of surviving its death, it can represent all we are and how we are. The body was only the way to transmit all these like the thought, the reason; psychic functions like emotions, memory, or breathing. The capacity of living things is represented by the soul and trough the body.
So the soul is maybe the most important part of us but without a body it can’t work. That is what make us special because is a combination of both, is an organism that work in a determinate way. The soul and the body can’t work without the other. So we can say that the soul is not a product of body functions; the body is the product of soul orders, or capacities.
But with our actual technology we know that the brain is the responsible of all these processes, and we don’t have information about the existence of a soul, we steel haven’t see or feel it, although some people are totally convinced that we have a soul, but with religious purposes. we don´t know yet if there is a soul but in the future we maybe discover somethink.
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