domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

deconstruction of a word

The process of deconstruction is when you extract the meaning of a word and then you give it a different meaning. For example the word gentleman it has been very changed, before that word use to mean a man who take good care of a woman and he treated she very well like a princes, open doors, giving make she comfortable etc. but now if you do that kind of stuffs here then people call you “mandarina”. So is a deconstructed word that now a days it have like another meaning than before. thats what i think.

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

try to figure nothing....

I´m not sure if nothing can be possible, because is a really hard duty to picture nothing because if you try it always will be something like a color an object whatever. A different way to see this is from the mathematical perspective, because we have the number cero and what is cero how you can represent cero? Is the absence of anything, is an empty space, but although it is very necessary and important and is a way of representing nothing, but then you are giving a meaning to nothing ergo is not anymore nothing, so is very complex to explain this but I think that the nothing is possible and necessary.

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

music!!! (8)

For me music is the best art because is the best way of expressing ourselves through sounds and silences using melodies harmonies and rhythms, creating many types of music and every one of them have they own way of expressing, that’s why we have genres, and that’s way I love music because there are music to dance, music to sing, music to listen, music to sleep, music to be happy, music to be sad, music to remind, music to cry, music to protest, there are music for everything , music is and will be always with us, in all kind of situations in our lives.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010


The ding an sich is the thing itself, also is ultra sensorial and hyper rational.
So the ding an sich of a meaning is related to what we understand of that meaning, with what we can relate it; every single person have a different meaning about things, so everyone have some kind of mental construction of every single thing we give a meaning. This is because each one of us has different experiences. The ding an sich of a meaning is when we relate the word we listen or see, with our personal mental construction we have made through time, through experiences.

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

sane = normal?

I don’t think that sanity means power because to be sane you must be “normal” and people with power are not normal. For example you can see Hitler, he was an insane person but he had all the power he just needed to convince people. Also if you already have power it will make you insane because you will be no longer normal, the thirsty of power will corrupt you.

i dont like that ....

One of my neurosis maybe the biggest is when I become really mad when people pull of my hair I just lose my mind. Another one is when someone is talking to you and says you “hey, or you know what” and then you said “what?” and that person said 2nothing it doesn’t matter….” Is just annoying because is like why you start to tell me, and then you don’t tell me….

To explain the first one I think that I don’t like that because when I was little my mom use to comb me very hard and she pull of my hair. The second one is just a general neurosis I mean that is annoying for everyone.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010


Between capitalism and socialism I think is better socialism because the idea of socialism is an idea of common good; its purpose is to search the balance in life, like all we have the same opportunities without discrimination. The principal values are related to the moral, ethics and humanism because with this values we can have like a perfect society, we care for each other like watching if all people are good, are happy …stuffs like that.

For example; in the socialism is not important the power of a person or the competence between people, but the capacity that each person can develop to contribute to the society and the common good.

The socialism is against the accumulation of capital, because this means that some people will be more powerful and other people will be poor and exploted, unhappy, instead of what means socialism that is the happiness of all people.
Like in the capitalism you can have job but in this kind of society is like you are disposable, if you don’t have the power I mean principally economical power you don’t have the guaranty of having a good life. So that’s why I defend socialism

domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

we are....

Humans are like machines we are useful for some kind of works and other things, and we are obviously matter because we can perceive it with our senses and mind, is reasonable that we are matter.

For some people each person have its own destiny, it have a purpose, something to do, a predetermined course of events; for others we build our course, we decide our future… this things for me are more related to matter things as if we where matter, and we act as one.

But what really make us humans is our mind our psyche, that’s why we are different or superiors, in some way to animals, it makes us specials. The capacity of reasoning and analyzing is what make us persons is our humanity.

So we are the mix of the two things but what make us different and difference as humans from the rest of things is our psyche.

martes, 13 de abril de 2010

meaning of property

How can something be someone´s property?

This question is about how we understand the property system beginning from the person.

I think that one way we can understand this through the use we give to things, so if, for example you constantly use a scarf, that you found it in some place, you, with the pass of time will say it is your scarf, and then if the real owner of that, shows up and tell you that it is his scarf, you will say that is not true because you are convinced that you are the owner, because you constantly use it….

Or in the case of the land that belongs to the local government and is invaded and they build houses on this land, then they will say that they are the owners of this land. This causes conflict among the authorities because when they say people that the land is not of their property the people become mad because they feel like they have the rights of stay and use the land because they give it a use.

Another way to understand property is by the meaning of the title of possessing it this is more related with the big properties like houses or factories…. This meaning of property is when you buy something or get something buying it or get by a legal way, this implies authorities and an organization.

lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

Empiricism Vs Rationalism!!

In the battle empiricism Vs rationalism, I will defend empiricism because for me is more useful.

Empiricism in this epoch is located more to the north east part of Europe where is located the actual United Kingdom. This knowledge theory is based in the experiences, as a way of getting knowledge to form concepts.
This theory said that we born as an empty white boar and then with the pass of time we are constantly getting knowledge through experiences based on the information that comes from senses. The empiricism propose is a practical and useful information or whatever you get from knowledge or experiences and then you can apply this things in something productive.

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

Descartes think.....

Rene Descartes

This man is maybe the most important philosopher of modern philosophy. He is the one who revolution the way of thinking in the ambit of existentialisms, how we can categorize things like ourselves and how we can know the shape or the “trajectory” of things.
Descartes said that how we can be sure of our existence? And if all this we are perceiving is a dream… we can´t trust in senses they betray us, in the only thing we can trust is in the reason, that’s why he is a rationalist.
But here comes the question: how do we know the difference between an object and a human?
And what is the reason of asking this, is that we are like special?
So Descartes start thinking a long time making inductions and deductions and he get the conclusion that if we can think it means that we exist and that makes a differentiation with objects, he said: I think ergo I exist, as a human being I ask myself, I found no answer, I notes that the capacity of put in dude makes me real.
I’m human because I don´t dude my capacity of thinking.
Another Descartes thought was that the world is divided in two: material things, and substance things.
The substance things are an extension of God, and the material things which is live in general and are those who work mechanically and also creates necessities, like hunger. In the case of human there is a “Cartesian dualism” because Descartes said that human is part material and part substance, it can be call the soul and this soul allow us to know things, to locate us in time and to supreme necessities created by the material part.
This is a short summary about some Descartes purposes.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

shcool rules, idol of the cave

My cousin, who studies in a public school, came to visit me in the summer. We start to talk and ask each other about our schools; what are the good things, the bad things in high school etc.

I ask which are the rules where he studies, he tell me that they are very strict, he explain me some examples like he can´t use long hair, or piercings, he also tell me that they can´t wear the uniform in bad conditions…etc he just talk about the rules like for 15 minutes and when he finish I tell him that in my school I can use all that stuffs and they don’t care they don’t punish me, he was shocked, he can´t believe that, in that moment he ask my parents if that’s truth, they tell him that that was truth and even he don’t believe us.

In this example we can show the “idol of the cave” because he can´t understand how that can be possible, because he was too customary to the rules of his school.

miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010

God inportance in the middle ages

God in the middle ages was very important because the people try learning from god and understanding god, to make gods idea conceivable in our mind. That people in middle ages use faith that works with dogmas it means that that people can´t explain gods existence (one of the principal problems in the middle ages) they can not probe with facts or anything, but they still believe in it, and not only believe, they learn from it.
We can see that god in that epoch was the superior and most important thing, it’s omnipresent. The church realizes a very important and influential roll in the society and in politics and they use gods image to influence and convince people. That’s way is so important to learn from god to understand, because humans and people on that epoch specifically try to understand the “best thing” to be like that to have it as a model to inspire them.

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010

Religious fanatics

What makes people follow a 10 years old kid talking about god and creation?
This video shows us the kind of ignorance that we still have in our world.
This fanatic people around the world is intolerant about other believes, other possibilities, or ways to understand this very common question “where do we come from?” besides this people is stubborn, because although there are facts that shows us that we are a result of evolution, and important scientists like Christian Pander, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, and maybe the most important Charles Darwin that write a very important book that is the start of the theory of evolution, call “On the Origin of Species” that tell us in 1858, that the natural selection allows the origin of new species, they do not believe, even this kid is accusing scientists of being liars, and saying that they degreed god. This kid even maybe is not his fault is distorting the truth saying that we came from the monkey, but we are of the same specie of monkey, millions years ago we were specie of monkey, then we evolve.
But the most concerning thing is that adults is molding and overwhelming the kids mind with stupid and non truth things. Maybe he even don´t understand what is saying. This kid convinced of something that he don´t understand tell a memorized speech to more ignorant people that believe it without thinking two times and even pays to listen it.
I think that people like that never going to change, but we have to teach the new generation in the world about what we think is the truth.

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

When we talk about Aristotle’s we talk about one of the most important and complete philosophers of all times, he was rationalist, because he said that all can be explained by reason. Aristotle lived in an epoch when the situation started to be more interesting, like more wars and conflicts, when the society need a change after a period of calm and with no much new things.

Aristotle is the third of three consecutive great philosophers, they where Socrates and Plato. So he was influenced by these guys and them ideas, but not only in the way to continue a theory or propose, but also to criticize it and expouse a new theory of it. The one that influence more to Aristotle was Plato because he was Aristotle teacher and master; Plato put all kind of ideas in Aristotle head about many things like reality or society. But the difference is that Aristotle think in more implications of different theories like the soul propose.

He porpoise a new way to see and understand the society and the human and its behavior. He talks about many things like matter and form, he said that the form is what meters because it performs a determinate function and it doesn’t matter the composition of that object, because it always is going to realize the same function.
Aristotle also talks about the soul, this is important because he is trying to explain the mind and all body functions. He said that soul is something immaterial, independent of the body and capable of surviving its death, but anyway the soul always is going to need the body because it works like a container, the soul needs the body to express to transmit psychic functions.

Aristotle said that we are political animals, because we need and must live in a political community and have relations with other persons called citizens in the polis, he said that we depend of the polis, that a man only can be perfect in a polis because is the only environment in which we can develop our virtues. He also talks about ethics; he said that Ethics is the inquiry into the human good, the good for human beings. The human good is eudaimonia that is the good for all, is what we can do for society by using our virtues.
So Aristotle is a very important man and philosopher for us because he was the one that influence many other philosophers and his theories and porpoises of society, human and all that it implies keep in time and represent a very important way of see us and how we interact although it was in a totally different time and circumstances.

domingo, 24 de enero de 2010

Is the soul a product of body functions?

Is the soul a product of body functions?
In the time of Aristotle the human soul was all, was something immaterial, independent of the body and capable of surviving its death, it can represent all we are and how we are. The body was only the way to transmit all these like the thought, the reason; psychic functions like emotions, memory, or breathing. The capacity of living things is represented by the soul and trough the body.
So the soul is maybe the most important part of us but without a body it can’t work. That is what make us special because is a combination of both, is an organism that work in a determinate way. The soul and the body can’t work without the other. So we can say that the soul is not a product of body functions; the body is the product of soul orders, or capacities.
But with our actual technology we know that the brain is the responsible of all these processes, and we don’t have information about the existence of a soul, we steel haven’t see or feel it, although some people are totally convinced that we have a soul, but with religious purposes. we don´t know yet if there is a soul but in the future we maybe discover somethink.

jueves, 7 de enero de 2010

Plato and his thougths

Plato was a man born in Athens. When he was young, he starts to follow Socrates classes, and then he became a disciple.
Plato was very influenced by Socrates because he was the master of argumentation and also he has revolutionary ideas about society, life, order… this create interest and an obsession in Plato, and after the dead of his master Plato starts to writing about Socrates, his live, his thoughts…

Plato decide to continue with Socrates ideas but with in a different way. Plato start talking about reality, he is the one of the firsts in question reality, he do this with the story of the cave, it talk about the truth of reality, and that some people after they go outside the cave they came in again and try to convince the others that in the outside all is different and beauty but nobody want changes because they produce fear in people.

One of the ideas Plato was that all we perceive is false, is a copy reflected by the hyper Uranus this image of reality is projected by the hyper Uranus then it pass through the Uranus and it can be seen in the Gaia where all we are. These shows us the Eros vs psyche confront, eros the reflection, the outside and psyche the mind and soul, the reason. So he is trying to said that the world can be only be perceived by using the reason and this can be truth in some way because to analyze the world you have to use the reason if you don’t you never can be capable to understand anything, he is very important for all of us because they ideas was controversial and innovator and through the time they persist and influence us in the society and type of thought we have.