domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

deconstruction of a word

The process of deconstruction is when you extract the meaning of a word and then you give it a different meaning. For example the word gentleman it has been very changed, before that word use to mean a man who take good care of a woman and he treated she very well like a princes, open doors, giving make she comfortable etc. but now if you do that kind of stuffs here then people call you “mandarina”. So is a deconstructed word that now a days it have like another meaning than before. thats what i think.

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

try to figure nothing....

I´m not sure if nothing can be possible, because is a really hard duty to picture nothing because if you try it always will be something like a color an object whatever. A different way to see this is from the mathematical perspective, because we have the number cero and what is cero how you can represent cero? Is the absence of anything, is an empty space, but although it is very necessary and important and is a way of representing nothing, but then you are giving a meaning to nothing ergo is not anymore nothing, so is very complex to explain this but I think that the nothing is possible and necessary.

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

music!!! (8)

For me music is the best art because is the best way of expressing ourselves through sounds and silences using melodies harmonies and rhythms, creating many types of music and every one of them have they own way of expressing, that’s why we have genres, and that’s way I love music because there are music to dance, music to sing, music to listen, music to sleep, music to be happy, music to be sad, music to remind, music to cry, music to protest, there are music for everything , music is and will be always with us, in all kind of situations in our lives.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010


The ding an sich is the thing itself, also is ultra sensorial and hyper rational.
So the ding an sich of a meaning is related to what we understand of that meaning, with what we can relate it; every single person have a different meaning about things, so everyone have some kind of mental construction of every single thing we give a meaning. This is because each one of us has different experiences. The ding an sich of a meaning is when we relate the word we listen or see, with our personal mental construction we have made through time, through experiences.

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

sane = normal?

I don’t think that sanity means power because to be sane you must be “normal” and people with power are not normal. For example you can see Hitler, he was an insane person but he had all the power he just needed to convince people. Also if you already have power it will make you insane because you will be no longer normal, the thirsty of power will corrupt you.

i dont like that ....

One of my neurosis maybe the biggest is when I become really mad when people pull of my hair I just lose my mind. Another one is when someone is talking to you and says you “hey, or you know what” and then you said “what?” and that person said 2nothing it doesn’t matter….” Is just annoying because is like why you start to tell me, and then you don’t tell me….

To explain the first one I think that I don’t like that because when I was little my mom use to comb me very hard and she pull of my hair. The second one is just a general neurosis I mean that is annoying for everyone.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010


Between capitalism and socialism I think is better socialism because the idea of socialism is an idea of common good; its purpose is to search the balance in life, like all we have the same opportunities without discrimination. The principal values are related to the moral, ethics and humanism because with this values we can have like a perfect society, we care for each other like watching if all people are good, are happy …stuffs like that.

For example; in the socialism is not important the power of a person or the competence between people, but the capacity that each person can develop to contribute to the society and the common good.

The socialism is against the accumulation of capital, because this means that some people will be more powerful and other people will be poor and exploted, unhappy, instead of what means socialism that is the happiness of all people.
Like in the capitalism you can have job but in this kind of society is like you are disposable, if you don’t have the power I mean principally economical power you don’t have the guaranty of having a good life. So that’s why I defend socialism